
I'm the daughter...

The only child (does that explain everything?). For 10 years I had been happily gallivanting around the world. I would return to Canada (Vancouver) for various freelance film projects - anything from commercials to animated movies. This was until 2006 when I moved back to Vancouver permanently wanting to be live closer to my mom. 

At the time of my mother's diagnosis, she was the owner of a successful small business with 4 employees. I was working full-time, and in the middle of major renovations to a 1912 house. Within 6 months I had sold her company (I signed the papers crying over a Corona with my lawyer), had her drivers license revoked (brutal day), moved her into my house, hired a full-time nanny, renovated her suite in my newly acquired house, and rented out her home.  

During that time I was in shock, denial, and grieving while trying to get an accurate diagnosis in order to get her on proper medications (see "sex drive"). I was also trying to adjust to her decreasing capabilities, such as her new lack of judgement (tricked me every time). Needless to say I was an emotional and physical mess, and was making crazy decisions, like getting a puppy -  but that's another story...

At the time of diagnosis, doctors told me I had "two good years" with my mom. I listened. I ultimately decided take the next two years off so I could spend time with the woman who had raised and supported me for 34 years. I removed myself from an industry that I loved  to not feel the pressure of work. To continue to challenge myself, I pursued and completed a Masters degree in Communications (didn't help with my inherent issues the spelling).

The doctors were right - I would get 2 years with my mom...maybe even 3. In that time I was able to spend a lot of quality time with her. I took her on trips to Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, Mexico, Hawaii, Victoria (British Columbia) and finally Thailand. 

I have no regrets. My life and my mom's life, are fuller for the time that we were able to spend together these 3+ years. And now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I will admit, it feels a bit scary to be out there in the world without her or her support. But on I go. 

A few other things about me:

I'm the 'tell-it like it is' type. 

I'm a terrible speller & grammatically challenged and no better with punctuation. 

I find establishing 'roots' hard. I have a tough time being in one spot (or one city) for any length of time. 

My favorite meal is bbq tenderloin, Caesar salad, and sauteed mushrooms, followed by a bowl of salty popcorn and a bottle of red wine (okay, maybe two). 

I've seen every episode of Survivor and think it's a fascinating show on human behavior/greed/fame/stardom.

I do most things the lazy way. Like, I hate wasting time blow drying my hair so I usually shower an hour before I have to straighten it.

The kid in the picture is not mine, but the mother is...;-) 

I love doing yoga, but I love wine more...