Entries in before the alzheimer's diagnosis (1)


Meet my Mom - Before 

This video of my mom was filmed about 3 years ago (4 months after her diagnosis). It reminds me how she used to be, I can't help but watch it over and over again. 

In the video she looks just like herself. Happy and relaxed (although she wasn't often in the 'relaxed' mode - she was more often in the 'high functioning' mode). She is engaged, and has make-up on! WOW. 

It has been just over 3 years since this video was shot. In that time my mom has gone from sitting on the couch with the dog - to living in a room where a code is needed to enter & exit, and has gloves sewn into her sleeves. 

I don't believe any amount of information or knowledge can prepare one for witnessing the decline of a person (especially a loved one) with Alzheimer's. Even though you know it is going to happen, you can't believe it happens. And it happens so slow, yet so fast. It is hard to reconcile in one's mind.