Entries in long term care transfer (1)


we gotta transfer! 

Mom has been on the transfer list to a facility closer to my house for 8 months now. It was my first choice but because she entered the system on an "emergency list", we had to take the next available bed wherever it came up. 

Monday I got the call that a bed had opened in my first choice which is less than 2K from my house. After carefully weighing (and agonizing) about what to do, I landed on being very happy about it. It will be much easier for me (and friends) to visit with her nearby. 

Having done this for a few years now, I have learned I cannot sign all the paperwork, move her things AND HER at the same time - without losing my mind. 

She can sometimes be like managing a 2 year old (not that I have one but I am guessing). One time unattended for less than a minute was able to steal a chocolate bar (sorry Shoppers). Unwatched there is no telling what she will get up to. She might run off on me, or try to go with someone else. She might also get into my purse, pull out my papers, photos, and wallet (or whatever else is in there). Then she might throw these things out, or hide them, like in her sheets or under her bed. You just never know, so you can't risk it. Many of my things have gone missing, been ripped up, covered in chocolate, or generally destroyed in the past 4 years. 

Having learned my lesson, I did the packing yesterday. I did the paperwork today and I will do the 'move' tomorrow. 

I'm a bit nervous about it, but I believe having her closer will be better for both of us. Plus it's an Italian place, so she will fit right in - with the culture and in height - ha - all of her 5'0 self. No disrespect to height challenged Italians ;-) 

Wish us luck settling into the new place.